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November 09, 2008


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Hi Stephanie: I'm so sorry that you have had this upheaval in your professional life, but as I read, I can't help but think this is just the first step in a new adventure. Two cliches come to mind, so excuse me here; "There are no endings, only new beginnings" and "nothing good ever comes easy", okay, thank you for letting me get those out. What I'm trying to say, not so eloquently, is that I think you should start your own stamp company. All the experience you have gained had prepared you for this next step. Go for it girl! Your are talented, personable and creative. I will be the first of many customers.

Thanks for reading.
Your loyal customer, Wendy Gorton

I hope you find a great company to work for! If not, then I really think you should start your own company. I have many Inque Boutique stamps and I also believe in the unmounted system. I am a total addict and just don't have room for wood-mounted stamps. I love the CD style cases that a lot of my Inque Boutique sets came in. I was a SeeD fan before they became Inque Boutique. Hang in there. Don't let the dream die!!!! Keep me posted on your progress.
[email protected]

I'm sure they will miss you!!

Will there be any way that we can access all those wonderful projects? I loved just browsing through them and drooling.....

I bet you'll have a plan soon. Your stamps and designs are too beautiful! Good luck!

Hi Stephanie,

I think it would be such a great idea for you to have your own company. I just bought a set of your starter kit stamps + extras... I am LOVING them, i can't wait for winter break and experience all of them!

Hi Stephanie,

Like Janet, I hope you find a great company to work for or start your own company. I have many IB stamps and love your work. Good luck and give us more news!

Hugs, Judit

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