Have you ever been in the type of situation where you've dreamed about something for so long, that when it actually happens, it still feels like a dream?
That's how I felt on QVC this week. I've been on the show many times in the last 18 months, but this was the first time I was on with one of my products. What a rush! It was honestly a dream come true to share my designs with millions of viewers. ;)
So, while I was there, I of course forgot to take pictures. :( So, I figured the next best thing would be to take one of the tv. {grin}
(Edited to add: Thanks to Mary in SC, I have a great picture to share! Thanks so much Mary!)
I can now show you all the stamps that go in the kit. It says 40%, but that's only if you are looking at the paper in the kit. On your computer screen, the 40% is not accurate.
Here are the images:
You can still order them on QVC.com. Just search Inque Boutique and they will pop up. They are supposed to have a second kit (two alphas) but they aren't listed. I'm going to call the buyer on Monday to find out more info.
Thanks for letting me share my excitement with you.